6 Great Ways To Make Fitness Fun For The Whole Family

With the average household having multiple internet-capable devices for family use, it’s safe to assume that most of us aren’t meeting the recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

While this doesn’t seem like a big deal – after all, everyone is happy while engaged in their favorite online activity-, it can be detrimental to the development of children, as well as the aging process of adults.

So, how can you make the most of 60 minutes outside in a way that will have the entire family smiling? Here are a few great ways.


What child doesn’t love tag? Even as an adult, you probably remember playing tag in your youth. It’s an easy game that almost everyone knows how to play, it’s fun, and the best part? It gets the whole family up and moving.

Dance it out.

Dancing is great for the heart, lungs, and muscles. It makes use of the entire body and burns off excess energy.

You don’t have to have a ton of space to have a dance party – all you have to do is move the couch and coffee table out of the way, or push the kitchen table and chairs aside and voila! Your very own dance space.

Get Twisted.

By this, we’re referring to a good old game of Twister. Despite seeming like a pointless game that has an agenda to throw your back out of whack, Twister is a great way to tone muscles.

Some of the positions the game puts its players on prove to be a real challenge to stay in, effectively toning the muscles used to hold the position.

Spend the day at the park.

There’s more for adults to do at the park than you’d think. When taking your kids there, bring a kite, a soccer ball, some racket sports, and a picnic.

Make a day of getting fresh air, playing games, and running and jumping with the family. Many parks even have pathways and/or river access that you can make use of.

Have an activity break.

If you can’t tear the kids away from their favorite TV show, encourage them to get up off the couch during the commercials instead of fast forwarding through them.

During this time, the whole family can do squats, push-ups, jumping jacks, or run in place. By the end of the day, the commercial breaks alone will add up to 60 minutes worth of physical activity.

Walk the dog (or cat?).

If you have a dog that enjoys being outside, make it a habit to take him or her for frequent walks. The whole family can tag along and take turns walking the family pet. Or, if you have multiple pets, everyone can walk one.

This a great way to not only get active but to bond with your family.

Do any of these sound fun to you? Hopefully, even if they don’t, they’ve inspired you to come up with your own activities.

3 Tips to Keeping Your Gym Clean

The successful running of a fitness center not only depends on having quality workout equipment and fun trainers but it also needs a curb appeal. Setting up the gym in a perfect location and having an attractive design is critical to getting clients. However, what will keep your customers working out here is how clean the gym actually is. Without proper sanitation, the unhygienic conditions will put off your customers who will opt to work out elsewhere. Keeping it clean can be difficult since it’s like an adult’s playground where they work out and sweat. This article will highlight how to keep a gym clean with the 3 effective tips below:

  1. Make sure the gym is well ventilated

A poorly ventilated fitness center will affect the people working out in the gym. This is because of the dust, odors, and humidity produced during workouts that reduce the breathable air in the gym. With poor aeration, the oxygen level is reduced which leads to suffocation, headaches, and dizziness. In addition, a stuffy gym is infested with bacteria and fungus that cause contamination and illness. Using fans for ventilation won’t be enough to reduce humidity and clean the air. You need to set up a ventilation system for aeration and prevent the air ducts from clogging. Cleaning the gym’s air ducts ensures that the air circulating is clean and free from contaminants. If you are looking for an effective professional service that does air duct cleaning in Henderson, click on the link above.

  1. Clean workout equipment after every session

Workout accessories are used by multiple people and need to be cleaned to prevent the transmission of diseases. Cleaning after every use can be a lot of work but as a gym owner who cares about their customer’s health and comforts, it’s ideal. The products to use when washing should be able to sanitize and disinfect the surfaces. Cleaning will also remove the sweat and smell from items such as yoga mats and keep them fresh for the next user. However, your employees should avoid splashing water close to electrical equipment.

  1. Keep the restroom spotless

Most people use the gym every morning before going to work and others need to freshen up after their workout session. Your staff have to clean after every user since they have paid for a clean washroom to shower in. Keeping these rooms clean can be difficult since they are used by many people who finish their work out randomly. In addition, without proper maintenance, the restrooms and locker room may end up germ infested. Unsanitary restrooms can lead to the spread to infections such as UTI’s. Washing the restroom includes, scrubbing the toilet, sanitizing the bathrooms as well as the sinks. It’s also recommended to regularly clean the locker room shelves, benches, handles, and mirrors.


It’s up to you to save your gymnasium from deteriorating due to lack of maintenance. Make sure your employees follow the tips above to maintain the fitness center spotlessly clean.

Sneaky Ways to Workout More

With most modern Americans employed in a field that has them sitting at a desk and working a 9-5 schedule that leaves little free time, it’s no wonder that gym memberships are becoming a thing of the past. Luckily, there are sneaky ways that 9-5 workers can get a bit more exercise throughout the day.

Take the stairs.

Simple and easy to do, yet this is the first thing that gets forgotten about or ignored.  If your workplace or school has a set of stairs, take them! Taking the stairs at least once a day doesn’t seem like it will do much- which is true to an extent, as taking the stairs won’t burn a ton of calories. However, studies show that small amounts of exercise throughout the day increases the body’s levels of GLUT4, which is responsible for the storing of calories in muscles instead of in fat cells.

Stand up.

Taking an important phone call on your lunch break? Instead of sitting down to chat, stand up and, if you can, walk. Take a walk to the other side of the room or go around your desk a few times. If you don’t have enough room to walk, simply standing will benefit your body more than sitting. Standing burns more calories than sitting and it also helps to keep your muscles from getting stiff.

Have conversations.

That’s right- talk to your coworkers! But do it by walking over to them instead of calling, emailing, or texting. Although this won’t burn off that extra cookie you had for lunch, it aids in muscle health and get your body moving.

Skip the coffee.

No, we don’t mean that you shouldn’t have your morning coffee. We mean that a great way to sneak in some exercise is to skip the sit-down cup of coffee with your best friend, and instead, convince him or her to go for a walk and have a chat instead.


Sitting down all day? No problem. You can keep your body active by moving. Fidget with things in your vicinity, bounce your leg up and down, shift your body weight, roll your neck…anything you can think of that moves a part of your body can be classified as fidgeting. Over the course of a day, an avid fidgeter can burn a few hundred calories. Not to mention that your body will thank you, as all parts of the body will get adequate amounts of blood and no extremities will fall asleep.

Ditch the office chair.

Sit on the floor…just kidding. You don’t have to sit on the floor to get a workout, but if you switch out your office chair for an exercise or stability ball, you’ll be working out all day. The point of stability balls are to get the user to use his or her body to balance, building muscles. Stability balls are way more fun than office chairs as well, as frequent users often find themselves bouncing.

6 Common Fitness Myths

There are dozens of crazy fitness claims floating around. Some, despite sounding made up, are actually true whereas others, such as the ones we’re about to share with you, are purely myth. To clear things up, we’ve also included the truth.

Myth: Bright and early is the best time to go for a run.

Truth: The best time for a run is any time of the day that allows you to focus on the task at hand and get an adequate amount of exercise. If you’re busy during the day and have an extra hour at midnight each night, feel free to go on your run in the early hours of the morning.

This myth comes into play mostly because running in the morning may your body burn fat faster during the day, however, going on a run at any other time of day is still beneficial and shouldn’t be discouraged.

Myth: Lifting weights turns fatty tissue into muscle.

Truth: No workout, no matter how intense, will turn fat into muscle. Fat and muscle are two different tissues that are located in different locations. Fat is found beneath the skin and sandwiched between muscles, whereas muscle is found throughout the body.

Lifting weights helps to build muscle inside and around fatty tissue, but unfortunately, it won’t transform fatty tissue into muscle tissue.

Myth: Situps are the key to washboard abs.

Truth: Situps primarily target the abdominal muscles. However, the muscles along your sides and back are also important to the toning and creation of abs. To effectively get a set of washboard abs, you should be focusing more on planking and less on situps.

Myth: It takes two weeks before your body starts to get “out of shape”.

Truth:  In the average person, muscle tissue can start to be broken down within only a week of irregular exercise. To maintain the muscle you’ve so carefully developed, said muscles need to be used regularly. In other words, use it or lose it.

Myth: The more you sweat, the more you burn.

Truth: Sweating has no direct connection to the burning of calories. When your body sweats, it is merely cooling itself down to avoid overheating. Excessive sweating doesn’t mean that more calories are being burned, it only means that your body is becoming too warm.

However, if your body is too warm it is probably because you’re doing an intense workout, which in turn, is burning calories. In this case, the workout is burning the calories, not the sweating.

Myth: Yoga is a good way to burn calories.

Truth: Yoga doesn’t cut it when it comes to burning calories. Many yogis will try to convince you otherwise, however, claiming that the downward dog really does burn a ton of calories. The truth is, though, that a 50-minute power yoga session will only burn around 237 calories, whereas a spi class of the same length can burn up to 500.

Were you shocked by any of these myths? We sure were.

8 Unique Fitness Trends Taking 2018 By Storm

Fitness comes in many shapes and forms. Some are perfectly normal and reasonable such as jogging or bike riding. Others, however, are a bit more creative and unique. Like what, you ask? Here are a few unique fitness trends that have popped up in 2018.

Mermaid Classes

If you’ve ever wanted to be a mermaid, your dream can come true with the introduction of mermaid fitness classes. The newest trend in aqua fitness, mermaid classes include much more than just lazing around in a pool. These intense workout sessions combine swimming, aerobics, dance, and interval training- all while wearing a life-sized mermaid tail!


Similar to classes like Zumba, kangoo is a dance-focused intense workout class. It strays a bit off of the path, however, as attendees are made to wear specialized shoes that allow them to bounce like a kangaroo while working out. The workout focuses on cardio health and is great for the calve muscles, although it looks a bit silly.


Does the name of this trend ring a bell? It should- LazRfit gets its name from the lasers (the same ones that are used for laser tag) it uses. This workout is a combination of lazer tag and working out, as it has you running, jumping, crawling, and bragging to your buddies about how you won.

Twerking Classes

Twerking has been around for a while, but twerking classes are relatively new. Gyms across the country now offer professionally led twerking workouts that consist of sessions of twerking to upbeat music. The goal of these classes is to tone the glutes, thighs, calves and more.

Skateboarding Pilates

As if pilates wasn’t hard enough already, there are classes that have to add skateboards to it. The class has pilates fans using skateboards to support their body weight. Clearly dangerous, the classes creator, celebrity trainer Raphael Doub, is more than thrilled to teach it.

Hula Hoop Classes

Nowadays anything can be a fitness trend- including the favorite children’s activity that is hula hooping. Hula hooping, although seemingly simple, can be a hard pill to swallow, especially if you’re taking part in a cut-throat hula hooping (hooping) class. Hooping classes target the whole body, including the core, legs, and glutes. It also improves balance and strength.

Float Yoga

If you have a hard time with yoga on the ground, you may want to skip the ever-so-tempting float yoga. Float yoga is yoga on a surfboard in a large pool, forcing class goers to have perfect balance and graceful movements to avoid taking a dunk in the water.

Animal Yoga

Yoga makes it onto the list once again, but this time, consists of less water and more animals. Animal yoga is normal, mundane yoga, but with a twist- there are animals running all over the place. Animals that are commonly used for this type of yoga include goats, cats, and dogs.

What do you think? Will you be trying any of these wild fitness trends?

Benefits of Indoor Cycling

When you think of working out you probably think of weight lifting, treadmills, and various core exercises like push ups. You probably don’t think of indoor cycling- but maybe you should, as it offers a variety of surprising benefits.

Muscle Building

Surprisingly, cycling is a great way to build muscles in the lower body. Cycling primarily targets the leg and glute muscles. As your workout cycles through the simulations of various cycling terrains, you will be using different parts of the lower body. For example, if you’re cycling up a hill, you will be in an upright position and using your quads and glutes. Although cycling is ideal for building leg strength, it can also build a bit of arm muscles are your arms are engaged and holding onto the handles for support.

Burning Calories

Like any workout, indoor cycling burns calories. According to a study by Spinning.com, one hour of cycling on a stationary bike can burn anywhere from 420- 620 calories. Although the amount of calories you burn depend on factors such as incline,  indoor cycling is a fun way to burn off that extra sandwich.

Low-Impact/ Cardiovascular Workout

The typical 45-60 minute indoor cycling session is intense. It keeps your heart pumping and gets you sweating, giving you a full workout. This being said, however, it does so without jarring the knees, hips, or other joints which makes it  agreta low-impact workout for people with joint problems or arthritis.

Improved Mood

If you’ve heard of “runner’s high”, you’re probably familiar with “cycling high”. Although not a coined term, cycling high is essentially a form of runner’s high, as it comes alongside a good workout. When you experience this phenomena, your brain is flooded with feel-good chemicals that work to improve your mood. A good workout is a fool-proof way to improve a bad mood.


Not  a health benefit, but a benefit nonetheless, indoor cycling can be done in a class setting. Many gyms and fitness centers offer indoor cycling classes for free or for affordable rates. Attending a cycling class will keep you motivated and help you to make friends, as well as keep you focused on the task at hand. Many class instructors play great music, too!


You have ample control over your workout if you chose to take up indoor cycling. When riding a regular bicycle, you don’t have as much control as you do using an indoor bicycle. Indoor cycling gives you the ultimate control over your speed, intensity, terrain, resistance, and the length of your workout. This means that you can intensify your workout or slow it down as you choose- no more pushing yourself to the top of that huge hill because that’s where your house is.

Indoor cycling is a great option for workouts on hot days. It can be as intense as a 3 mile jog without hurting your joints and while building muscle, burning fat, and improving your mood at the same time. So, what are you waiting for? Join a class, get fit, and have fun!

Total Body Workout: tone the leg adductors

The targeted training to tone up the adductors of the legs: here is the ideal sequence for a workout to do at home, without forgetting the initial phase of warming up and the final one of stretching

You need

  • A mat

Step by step

Always start with warm up exercises

  1. Lie down on the ground, being careful not to arch your neck and lift your shoulders. Stretch the head as far as possible, keeping the shoulders away from the ears and the shoulder blades well on the ground. The arms at the sides.
  2. Flex your legs to your chest and then spread them upward.
  3. Bring the feet and fingers to the hammer and turn them outwards, as if to form a V.
    Inhale and spread the legs as far as possible. Exhale and return to the starting position, crushing the heels well against each other.
    Be careful not to arch your back and neck. The shoulder blades and the lumbar remain on the ground, with the abdomen always contracted.
  4. Repeat 10 times and do the same exercise by spreading the legs in 2 strokes and closing them in 2 more.
  5. Always remember to squeeze the heels against each other, in order to continuously activate the adductors more effectively.
  6. Do another 10 repetitions and then spread the legs in 3 strokes and return in a single time, always crushing the heels. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Inhale, spread the legs in a while and exhale return to 3. Heel to heel at the end of the closure. Still 10 times.
  8. Stay with your legs closed, stretched out, your feet hammered and fingers pointing down. Crush and release the heels quickly against each other. Exhale when compressing and inhaling when releasing pressure, 10 times.
  9. Return with the legs on the ground and repeat for 3 sets with 45 seconds recovery.

Remember to complete your workout with stretching!

How to train with the bodyweight – workout

Today we offer a workout that combines bodyweight exercises and bodyweight training in a quick and fun way.

The bodyweight workout is designed to tone, improve endurance and burn fat and calories.

As we have already explained in our first post dedicated to bodyweight it is about using your body to train: so you do not need weights or special equipment, just the weight of your body!

  • Perform the workout by performing the exercises in the indicated sequence. The repetitions decrease with the progress of training
  • Practice at a high rate: try not to take breaks or at least never be completely still
  • It takes 20 minutes to complete the training

1 Jumping jacks
Pressed, spreading your arms and legs: open your legs, raise your arms upward, then lower your arms and close your legs. Repeat without stopping. 
– Make a series of 100 repetitions 

2 Crunch
Lie on your back, place your calves on the couch or on a chair, bending your knees. With the tips of the fingers touch the sides of the head and lift the shoulders from the mat: contract the abdominals, bringing the elbows to the chest, then return to the ground and repeat. Exhale during contraction and inhale during release. 
– Make a series of 90 reps 

3 Bodyweight squats
Standing, legs as wide as the shoulders, feet that point slightly to the outside. Put your hands in front of your chest, arms outstretched and go down with your buttocks, as if to sit on a chair, keeping your knees in line with your toes, your back straight, buttocks and abdominals firm. Go down until the thighs are parallel to the ground, then go up and repeat. 
– Make a series of 80 repetitions 

4 Leg
raises Lie on the ground back, legs outstretched, arms at your sides and hands on the ground. Start by lifting the heels off the ground and then slowly raising your legs to a 90-degree angle with the floor. Then slowly go down and repeat: do not pause and do not touch the heels on the ground. 
– Make a series of 70 repetitions

5 Jumping Jacks 
– Do a series of 60 repetitions 

6 Crunch 
– Make a series of 50 repetitions 

7 Bodyweight squats 
– Make a series of 40 repetitions 

8 Extensions of the knees
Sit on the ground, lean behind your back on your hands, bring your knees towards your chest , then stretch your legs, keeping them always lifted from the floor. 
– Make a series of 30 repetitions 

9 Bend with a jump
Lie on the ground on your stomach, resting your hands on the ground, on the side at the shoulders, and the tips of the feet. Hold the body in a straight line, then raise your arms until you can stretch them out: from this position, lower yourself slowly with your body straight, without touching the ground, inhaling, then exhaling, push with your arms and spread them out. With each repetition, raise your hands a little from the ground. Keep your elbows close to your body. 
– Make a series of 20 repetitions 

10 Burpee
– Make a series of 10 repetitions.